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Toegevoegd door DEAD mike op 15-8-2005 om 23:09 bekeken: 2307
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Gepost door   op 21-8-2005  om 22:08

Hey girl!!! t was n superverjaardag!!! luv ya 2

Gepost door  ......  op 18-8-2005  om 20:07

bruine suiker wederom stoere quote...

Gepost door   op 18-8-2005  om 17:37

Hey Girllllllll i hope you had a B'day 2 remember..... luv ya

Gepost door  Ranger  op 16-8-2005  om 02:16 Fotos zoeken van Ranger

Lachebekje dat geheimen verteld I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.Knipogend lachebekje

people says: Black is for funerals.John Yeah, but on the other hand it's also a very striking fashion statement,but Should you choose to test my resolve in this matter you will be facing a finality beyond your comprehension.
Gepost door  DEAD mike  op 15-8-2005  om 23:10 Fotos zoeken van DEAD mike


No good deed goes unpunished

(smiley hulp)