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"Do You Know How To Meet Women And Get Dates?"

Deze test is eigenlijk bedoeld voor de 'guys' onder ons. Dit betekent niet dat vrouwen deze test niet kunnen doen, alleen zullen ze iets anders tegen de vragen aan moeten kijken.

Dit is geen persoonlijkheidstest ofzo! Het is de bedoeling om gewoon zoveel mogelijk punten te scoren. Vul dus antwoorden in waarvan jij denkt dat ze de meeste punten oplevenen.

Good Luck!!

1.  Three attractive women are standing a few feet from you at a local bar. You want to start an interesting conversation with them that gets their attention. What's the best way to start it?
     Ask them what their astrological signs are.
     Say "Hey, you are the three most beautiful women in here, can I buy you a drink?
     Tell them you need a woman's opinion, then ask them whether they think it's cool for older men  to get together with younger women, like Michael Douglas with Catherine Zeta Jones.
     Walk straight up to the most attractive one and say "Can I have this dance?"
2.  You're out on a date with a woman that you feel really attracted to. You can't tell if she likes you or not. What's the best way to find out?
     Ask her outright "Am I your type?".
     Kiss her. 
     Put out one of your hands and see if she gives you hers.
     Say "You really have the hots for me" in a playful voice, and see how she responds.
3.  You're talking to a cute girl that you just met in line at the bank. She's funny and playful with you. You want to get her phone number. Which is the best way to do it?
     Say "Do you have a card?"
     Ask her if she'd like to go out on a date with you sometime.
     Ask her what her favorite restaurant is, then offer to take her there.
     Say "Give me your phone number... here's a pen".
4.  You're out with a woman for the first time, and you're having a cup of coffee with her. She looks at you square in the eye and says "So, what kind of car do you drive?". What's the best way to answer?
     "I drive a 1976 Ford Pinto station wagon. Yellow. Why, what do you drive?"... all in an overly-serious, sarcastic tone.
     Tell her what you really drive. 
     Say "Can't you think of something more interesting to ask me? What is this, an interview?" 
     Laugh and say "I don't drive... my mom gives me rides everywhere".  
5.  You're on the phone for the first time with a stunning model that you met through a friend at a small party. You've talked for a few minutes, and you want to ask her out on a date. What's the best way to do it?
     Say "Hey, I'm busy today and tomorrow, but let's get together for a cup of Starbucks on Wednesday. We can meet for fifteen minutes, and if you're psycho, I can run away".  
     Tell her that you really want to take her out, and offer to pick her up and take her to one of the nicer restaurants in your area.
     Ask her in a friendly, casual way if she's be interested in going on a date with you, then, if she says yes, invite her to have dinner with you. 
     Tell her that you've been thinking of her a lot since you met her, and ask her if she's been thinking of you. If she says "yes", ask her if you can take her to dinner sometime soon.  

6.  You're walking down the street, and you come to a street corner where a beautiful woman is standing. You really want to talk to her and see if she's single and interesting. What's the best way to do it?
     Tell her you're lost and ask for directions.
     Compliment her on her looks, then ask her if she is married or has a boyfriend.
     Say "What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?".
     Casually say "I realize that most men probably judge you on your looks and think you're unapproachable... but I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and see if you're friendly".
7.  You've been out on a first date for three hours with a woman that you feel very attracted to. You think she likes you, but you can't quite tell for sure. You want to kiss her, but you're not getting any "signals". What should you do?
     Ask her if she would mind if you kissed her
     Say "Are you as attracted to me as I am to you?".  
     Reach over and stroke her hair, see how she responds... if she seems to like it, kiss her. 
     Tell her to close her eyes, and then kiss her lips gently. 
8.  You've just met an attractive woman at a local coffee shop, and she gave you her number and email address. You really thought she was beautiful, interesting, and funny. How should you follow up with her?
     Call her a few hours later on the phone and tell her how much you liked her, and then ask her out for later that evening."
     Wait a day or two, then call to say hi. Talk a few minutes, then tell her you have to go. Hang up without making any future plans.
     The next day, send her an email that says "Hey, it was nice meeting you. Let's have a cup of coffee sometime"... and see how she responds.
     Wait three days, then call and ask her out on a date for the next night.
9.  You had a first date with a woman. It went well. At the end you kissed her for a few minutes, and there was some chemistry in the air. She had to get to bed because she had a meeting at seven the next morning. How should you follow up?
     Send red roses to her work, with a note that says "I had fun last night, you are a very special lady".
     Call her the next morning early, to make sure she's awake for her meeting... and tell her you had a good time. While you're on the phone, ask her out on another date.
     Wait until the next night, then call her to say hi. Talk a few minutes, then hang up without asking her out again.
     Wait three days, then call her. When she answers, say hi, talk for a few minutes, then ask her out on another date for the weekend at a nice restaurant... to show her that you're "seriously interested".
10.  You met a girl in line at the grocery store, and your conversation led to her joining you for a cup of coffee right then and there. The conversation was interesting and fun. You called her the next day to say hi, but you got her voicemail, and she didn't call you back. It's been two days since then. What should you do?
     Blow her off. A woman who doesn't return phone calls is flakey anyway.
     Call her again, and if she answers, don't even mention that she never called you back. Proceed as you would normally, and proceed to ask her to coffee again sometime. 
     Call when you think she won't be home, and leave her another message asking her to call you.
     Call her in the evening when she's likely to be home, and ask her point blank why she didn't return your call.

   And that's it. Now get your results....

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